You might be interested in learning how to box for any number of reasons. It continuously amazes me that people of all ages and backgrounds find and use Commando Boxing to begin or improve on their boxing journey.
Below are some of the stories driving people to learn how to box using Commando Boxing. Enjoy.
New life

I've been bored most of my life and I felt like I've always needed to do more and I love football and soccer I just never felt like playing it but I felt left out and weak compared to my more athletic friends so I'm trying to commit myself to this new lifestyle which will keep me sharp and healthy.
New to commandoboxing

Hi Coach, Started boxing in a gym a few months ago, I'm off for a month for studies-related travel and don't want to stop. I also hope to find a well-built system to build upon and satisfy my scientific mind that is not always very clear in a gym.

Im here because I'm almost 30, I'm obese, I have 2 boys looking up to me to be a roll model. As a mother I could be doing better. So that's why I'm here. I doubt you wanted my life story, just my motivation.
im starting this really late

im starting this really late in life but i am up for a challenge and would like some amature fights under my belt
Beginning Boxing

I was always very athletic. After I was sick and had to have surgery my senior year of highschool that took away a lot of my scholarships and people interested in me playing for their team. A year after graduating, I decided to join the Marine Corp. Well, a week away from bootcamp and they tell me I've been disqualified from that same surgery that stopped me from gaining scholarships. After years of doing nothing with my life through journeys of self pity and then self realization I learned that I can do whatever I put my mind to. I live in a small town where NO ONE boxes. I was going to be a combat engineer with the Marine Corp. I am very interested in learning how to fight, how to defend, how to center my anger and use it for good, I also am way too competitive to be sitting on the sidelines for this long. I want to be the best female boxer the world has seen.
I just got into boxing for fun and sparring and fitness

Hello coach I just got into boxing for fun, sparring and fitness. I will keep at your program to become a good boxer. I am not into competitions yet, I wanna see how far I can go without competitions first
ive always like the sport

ive always liked the sport but was never allowed to do it
A change

Hi Coach, I joined a boxing club at the beginning of the year as a change up to my fitness routine. I have been competing in triathlon the last few year and it has taken a toll on my knee. I have to give running a rest for now so thought boxing would be a fun way to stay in good condition. So far I love it. Started the first two weeks going to class three times and the past two weeks up to four times a week. Looking for basic information to help me get better. Thanks!
Getting back to it

About to turn 53. About 100+ lbs over my fighting weight. Used to spar and work out at boxing gym in my 20s and 30s. Was taught by my dad how to box as a kid. Come from a line of boxers. Would like to compete in Golden Glove masters, but would be happy enough just getting intense and being in shape again. Mostly looking for training tips and some structure, but used to have coach and train, etc.

Hey coach my name is George I'm a amuture boxer but I love to cover the basics and fundamentals I'm going to be committed to this program
Why not me

I have never been in a fist fight and I love watching boxing. I feel like I have good reflexes and that I am a student of whatever I become passonate about. Since I have set out to learn how to box I have more confidence in myself and my health has improved. I used to be 320lbs and now I am down to 207. I am 33 years old and in the best shape of my life. When I do light touch spar other ppl I feel my conditioning is better than most. I understand the importance of pacing yourself and having good footwork. I live and breath this right now. I want to get good at this and I am working hard everyday to reach my goal.
Learning to defend myself and improve health

I started to feel interested in boxing when I decided to learn how to defend myself, and when I realize how weak my health is. It´s been a month since I started to watch boxing and I feel really glad about my decision. It´s time to give the best!
Thanks for letting us have the ability to learn boxing online!!

Yo what up coach, my story is pretty simple and it might be repetitive. But I'm a 16 year old that plays basketball all year round and I've been playing basketball since I was 7. I've been in love with the sport of boxing for the past 2-3 years and I made a commitment to doing this. The reason I chose to start actually boxing though was to be able to have self-defense because I used to get pushed around a lot and I still do. I'm just weaker than everyone else and I'm only 5'8" as a sophmore. So thanks for letting me do this, I love this man.

Hey coach, I've been playing basketball for a majority of my life but recently I've lost motivation for the sport and every time I go to play it, it just feels like im chucking up shots and playing with no purpose or drive. Recently, I was gifted a heavy bag for my birthday and realized it may be time to change sports and find something that I will have more drive in. I've been watching a lot of old boxing footage really getting myself motivated and sparking the fire within me for boxing. Right now I am a beginner and found this program online. Before I join a club or gym I want to learn the basics online and get myself into better physical shape because right now my stamina is worse than ever. I also want to make sure that this is really what I want to do and fall in love with, so I am putting my trust into this program and hoping it brings the best out of me.
I wanna box

I wanna push my body to new limits, but im worried that I might not have the motivation to keep going. I don't know but I will log on everyday to train. I hope I get hooked on boxing though.
Skills and fitness

I have always found boxing to be a beautiful sport, but growing up, it was not for girls. I do not want to be a boxer per se...I have no desire to be hit...but I would like to study the sport more. Also, I think it will be a fun way to get fit! And who can resist taking out the stresses and frustrations of life on a heavy bag and meditating to the rhythm of a speed bag.
To be honest

To be honest I answered about a 6 or 7. To be even more honest its because I'm running a business. And I'm training the help as well as have to take on the task of managing, keeping up with supplies, making sure im on top of the staff and what their supposed to be doing and keep the place up and running. Plus keeping up with the bills and I teach class as well. On top of all that I have to make sure the orders get out on time. There have been times where I've worked straight thru the night and the following day before I even make it home for sleep. And on the occasion I take a short break for sleep it's usually if I'm lucky a 3 hour nap and I'm back at it again. Why I want to do boxing is because honestly, it helps me with my stress levels. Some people don't understand that but for me it's a way to relieve stress and pent up anxiety among other things. This is also a family owned business that I run. And whereas there was a time when I would literally go out back and hit the bricks. Physically. This was something that as a young lady was not approved of. Especially since the last time I did it my hand swoll up pretty bad. I mean it didn't bother me that it was swollen I literally felt better afterwards but with the work I do it did hinder me a bit. So i figure a safer method would be a punching bag. I actually stumbled across your site looking up info on purchasing the right type of punching bag. And well here I am.
Fierce and Fit by 40!

Hello Coach Aaron, I'm a 39 year old woman, and am committed to being fierce and fit by the time I'm 40. I haven't done much boxing before, but I have done some exercises punching bags and pads, and love the feeling of discovering my own power and the full body workout that it offers. I find boxing oddly meditative. The gyms near me don't really work, either because of distance or scheduling, and I can't afford a one-on-one coach right now, so I'm looking to get started online. I have no intention of being in fights, but just want to develop the skills, confidence, and fitness that come wit knowing how to box. Thanks for offering this course! Looking forward to the rest.
Resetting Myself

I am 43 and have recovered from a battlefiled injury and need to get back into shape. I feel boxing is the best way for me to accomplish that in a relatively short amount of time.

My story is as simple and complicated as it gets. Middle aged ex soldier. Married father of three wonderful daughters. I'm an author who works from home. I've gained 100 pounds since I got out of the service. I suffer from PTSD and because of the weight I'm prone to a lot of other health complications. I know how to work hard, but I don't have a lot of time or money to spend on a gym membership and logistically as a one car family the gym is almost impossibly inconvenient. I bought my wife a treadmill and myself a basic kit of boxing equipment- wraps, gloves, a ladder for footwork drills, resistance bands and a couple of DVD boxing workouts. I have also signed up for a couple of these online courses for variety, but boxing all seems to start in the same place so I will complete one before going on to the next... I'm excited to get started and I like the accountability of an interactive course. As far as whet I hope to get out of boxing, well weight loss first and foremost. I know that the stress release of the training will also help me focus both on my work and my family. I believe that a father must be fully present in a family to support his wife and children and that they require both parents so I am hoping this also helps me lead by healthier example. Thank you, James
Trying to reverse the downward spiral

I used to be a workout beast. Then I got married to a beautiful wife and had 3 beautiful children. I haven't really worked out consistently in about 5 years and am now 30-40 pounds over my bachelor weight. I want my family to have a culture of fitness, and it needs to start with me. I also want to stop being sad when I see pictures of myself from years ago. I've also always been interested in martial arts and self defense. Even though I'm too old to have any hopes of anything past amateur competition (mid-30s), I'd still love to train like a contender (or as close to it as I can, given my work and family obligations) in technique, conditioning, and eventually sparring. I did a little Muay Thai and BJJ in the past and hope to do them again, but first I want to learn to box. I figure boxing hands + Muay Thai legs + BJJ ground game = a winning combo. I used to be a workout beast. Then I got married to a beautiful wife and had 3 beautiful children. I haven't really worked out consistently in about 5 years and am now 30-40 pounds over my bachelor weight. I want my family to have a culture of fitness, and it needs to start with me. I also want to stop being sad when I see pictures of myself from years ago. I've also always been interested in martial arts and self defense. Even though I'm too old to have any hopes of anything past amateur competition (mid-30s), I'd still love to train like a contender (or as close to it as I can, given my work and family obligations) in technique, conditioning, and eventually sparring. I did a little Muay Thai and BJJ in the past and hope to do them again, but first I want to learn to box. I figure boxing hands + Muay Thai legs + BJJ ground game = a winning combo.I used to be a workout beast. Then I got married to a beautiful wife and had 3 beautiful children. I haven't really worked out consistently in about 5 years and am now 30-40 pounds over my bachelor weight. I want my family to have a culture of fitness, and it needs to start with me. I also want to stop being sad when I see pictures of myself from years ago. I've also always been interested in martial arts and self defense. Even though I'm too old to have any hopes of anything past amateur competition (mid-30s), I'd still love to train like a contender (or as close to it as I can, given my work and family obligations) in technique, conditioning, and eventually sparring. I did a little Muay Thai and BJJ in the past and hope to do them again, but first I want to learn to box. I figure boxing hands + Muay Thai legs + BJJ ground game = a winning combo. I used to be a workout beast. Then I got married to a beautiful wife and had 3 beautiful children. I haven't really worked out consistently in about 5 years and am now 30-40 pounds over my bachelor weight. I want my family to have a culture of fitness, and it needs to start with me. I also want to stop being sad when I see pictures of myself from years ago. I've also always been interested in martial arts and self defense. Even though I'm too old to have any hopes of anything past amateur competition (mid-30s), I'd still love to train like a contender (or as close to it as I can, given my work and family obligations) in technique, conditioning, and eventually sparring. I did a little Muay Thai and BJJ in the past and hope to do them again, but first I want to learn to box. I figure boxing hands + Muay Thai legs + BJJ ground game = a winning combo. Oh, yes, and when my kids are older, I hope to train them, too, or find a place where we can train together.
Why I Want to learn to box

I started my love for boxing when I was in my teens but my parents were to afraid to let me get into the sport. Now that I'm older I want to seriously learn how to but I've ran into a little bit of trouble. There is no boxing trainers close by first of all and second of all time. I work a lot of hours sometimes 7 days a week you give me the ability to train and learn at my pace and schedule and I thank you for that and existing I someday hope to learn how to train others and open up my own gym part time sometime.
Intro to Boxing

Hi Coach Aaron, Thank you very much for this opportunity. I have done some boxing training previously and am looking to get back into it. I would like to predominantly train at home, so I decided to start your course to help me do that, get my body in better shape and develop good mental habits about fitness and life in general. Regards, The Death Train
mastering the basics

Hello guys, I already know some of the basics of boxing(stance, footwork, basic punches, and some basic combinations). But I think this site can help me more to master the basics.
A Study in the Sweet Science

I want to gain a decent foundation in boxing.
Love Boxing

I have loved boxing ever since i was a kid i am now in my 40's and a female and well even though theres female boxers that have opened the door for female professional boxers, theres still far from where it need to be. I just wish i was younger to be able to compete and become a professional female boxer. But now im over weight and trying to get backinto shape through boxing. I heard of Masters Amateur boxing so that is what im aiming at but i need to learn the basics and take it one step at a time...
Why I Am Here and Learning to Box

Hi Coach, I am here for a number of reasons: I've been watching boxing for years and have always wanted to learn how to do it. Regular bootcamp is BORING. My spine surgeon told me that I needed to strengthen my core and that boxing was a great way. I want to really get in shape for the first time in my adult life and want to enjoy doing it.
Time to get to work

Thanks Coach. Looking forward to putting in the work. Be blessed.
Learn Basic Boxing skills

I decided to take this course to get back in shape and learn boxing basics.
abt me

well, not much of an awesome story behind me but ive always loved sports and i now reaaaaally want to break some records at our school sports days, need to get in shape and i think its good to learn new skills, healthy for yar brain n all that