Coach Aaron
"These are the products and services I personally use and recommend for learning how to box, improving your fitness level, or for helping grow your boxing gym or training business."
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. Please understand that I have experience with all of these companies and products. I recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.
Click on title to expand a section.
Nutritional Supplements
Greens Supplement (Athletic Greens)
I recommend four supplements and a daily Greens Supplement is one of them...Athletic Greens - Before discovering Athletic Greens I took a daily multivitamin as nutritional insurance. Turns out that a whole bunch of recent studies have proven that doing that is both a waste of money and potentially damaging. On the other hand, plants and other superfoods that we rarely eat enough of have so many nutritional benefits so it was a no-brainer when I looked into Athletic Greens as a replacement for the multivitamin.
This is now my daily nutritional insurance system.
Protein Supplement
The second supplement I recommend is a high quality protein supplement. Your body does not store protein. It uses it or it is excreted and/or turned to fat for storage. You have to continually take in protein through your diet to replenish what your body is using to build and repair structures in your body - and protein is the basis of pretty much everything going on. It's important.
Most people will get enough by eating right, but on occasion and depending on your physique goals there are reasons to supplement with a good quality protein powder. Notice that I said supplement....a protein powder should never be your sole source of dietary protein. Dosage varies from 0.8g - 2.0g/lb of body weight. The more active with high intensity and strength training - the higher your potential protein requirement.
Fish Oil Supplement
The third supplement I recommend is fish oil.
Fatty acids are the basis of fats and oils, and, despite popular belief, are necessary for overall health. These fatty acids are termed "essential" because your body cannot manufacture them by itself. EFA's must come from food or supplemental sources. They are also essential because they are a component of every living cell in the body, and are necessary for rebuilding existing cells and the production of new cells. Studies suggest fish oil supports healthy heart function and joint flexibility.
The fourth and last supplement I recommend is creatine.
Each serving supplies a full 5 grams (5000 mg) of 99.9% pure Creapure(tm) brand Creatine Monohydrate. The patented production method used yields a tasteless, odorless powder that mixes easily into water or juice and does not readily settle to the bottom. As a result, there is no gritty taste or texture. A critical component of a short burst energy system - creatine can help you when you need a couple more seconds of high intensity energy for a more intense and productive workout.
Boxing Gear and Equipment
Boxing Handwraps
Before hitting anything, you must wrap your hands.
This is not an option. Not doing so will result in injury. You will tear open your knuckles and possibly break one of the many little bones in your hands. If you are thinking of forgoing the purchase of hand wraps, give your head a shake. This is one purchase you cannot do without.
High Quality Jump Rope
Jump ropes are super cheap and you can use them nearly anywhere/anytime.
Boxers use jump ropes to improve fitness, warmup, and build calf/foot response to allow very quick and efficient footwork. You'll develop a sense of rhythm and nearly every boxing workout in our training plans involves a jump rope.
The Aqua Training Bag
Buy with Coupon Code for Aqua Training Bag: Commandoboxing
The Aqua Punching Bag is the best heavy bag available.
It is perfect for beginners and advanced boxers. It is easy on the joints and if you're a beginner, a mistake is not going to injure you the same way a regular heavy bag would. It produces far less vibration when hanging from a ceiling making it ideal for basements and apartments. It's shape makes it great for all types of punches - straight punches, uppercuts, and hooks.
I highly recommend this bag and it is becoming more and more popular with pros.
The Gymboss Round and Interval Timer
The GYMBOSS is a small, easy to use, repeating interval timer. This multi-use timer has many versatile functions that make it beneficial to virtually any type of exercise program. The Gymboss can be used as a repeating interval timer, countdown timer, or stopwatch. it's essential for boxing training and great for:
- MMA/Boxing
- Tabata
- HiiT
- Cardio
- Kettlebell
- Crossfit
- Weightlifting, Running, Stretching, etc...
Rival Ultra Bag Gloves
Along with hand wraps, you need a good set of training bag gloves to be smashing a heavy bag.
Rival makes some of the best boxing gloves around. These ultra bag gloves are the same kind I use. They are heavy duty and worth the cost. If you cheap out, you're going to be replacing your gloves very often, probably spending more in the long run. These offer excellent protection and they'll last you many many rounds.
Fitness Accessories
FatTrack Fitness TK Body Transformation Toolkit
- Updated FatTrack® Fitness Digital Body Fat Caliper
- User Manual with instructions
- Body Tracker Software mini-CD
- MyoTape Body Tape Measure
- FREE copy of "Improve Your Measuring Skill" with practical pointers for getting the best measurement readings and valuable information on ideal weight and muscle mass.
TRX Suspension System
Foam Roller Kit with Muscle Roller Stick and Massage Balls
Part of your recovery plan.
Working out and training destroys your body and this kit can help you recover quicker on your rest days. It provides muscle therapy, after exercise lactic acid release, triggers point deep massage, can provide muscle and pain relief. Crucial to maintaining full range of motion.
Supplemental Boxing, Nutrition, and Fitness Resources
Expert Boxing Premium Membership
Commando Boxing is great, but we're not the only boxing site around.
My colleague over at Expert Boxing, Johnny Nguyen, has an outstanding program and a different teaching style. If I'm just not doing it for you, I'd suggest you give his program a try. He might be a better fit for you and he absolutely knows his boxing technique inside and out.
Precision Nutrition System
This is a different kind of nutrition program.
- Make changes to your body by learning what "good nutrition" really means for you.
- Discover the only information you need to lose fat, gain muscle, and improve your health.
- Backed by science and research with real people; not by fads.
- Get the complete system shipped directly to you.
- Time-tested with over 45,000 clients of all shapes and sizes.
Boxing (Naval Aviation Physical Training Manuals)
Gourmet Nutrition Cookbook (Precision Nutrition)
The ultimate cookbook to use with the Precision Nutrition system.
It's hard to come up with great tasting food ideas when you're trying to eat healthy. This cookbook can help solve some of that problem while staying true to the nutrition principles taught by Commando Boxing based on the Precision Nutrition system.
Trainer Resources
Free 5-Day Nutrition Coaching Course (Precision Nutrition)
Boost your credentials with this free course, exclusively for health and fitness professionals.
You'll learn:
- What nutrition/lifestyle advice you can actually give.
- How to get clients to follow that advice.
- How to assess your client's needs.
- How to give advice based on that assessment.
- What to measure and exactly how to measure it.
- How to optimize a plan based on those measures
- Plus, you'll get 30+ nutrition and lifestryle questionnaires, assessments, and worksheets.
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification
The industry's top education program. To help you master the science of nutrition and the art of coaching so can get life-changing results for yourself and your boxers.
- Elite coaching methodology.
- University-level without the classroom.
- Scientifically proven system.
- Access to the ProCoach software.
- Study at your own pace, anywhere.
- Online exams.
- Free shipping anywhere in the world.
- 100% guaranteed.
Boxing Club Website and Online Training Platform
Go beyond the walls of your boxing club and start offering your coaching services on a global scale.
- Custom branded website.
- Integration with an online training portal for your clients.
- Other integrations available including meal planning, apps and more.
- Custom branded app that allows your clients to take you with them on their smartphone.
- Secure online payments and analytics.
- Secure, scalable hosting.
- And pretty much anything else you need...