Commando Boxing

Nutritional Supplements for Boxing


I inevitably get a lot of questions about nutritional supplements. Supplements for human performance is big business and supplements that might give someone an edge either in the ring or in the training and recovery while preparing to get in the ring are highly sought after.

To get right to the point - a few (legal) things help and most things don't.

On this page, I outline the ones I may have my clients use at different points in their body transformation process.  These are the supplements that work.

First - you need to know that Commando Boxing does not sell supplements...But, I do recommend certain, proven, supplements to my clients based on their specific needs - and those listed below are the ones I have had success with.


For more information about how to use these supplements, consider joining one of the streams (Boxing Skills or Body Transformation) on Commando Boxing.

And for more information about how to purchase these supplements, contact the company that sells them directly by clicking any of the links below.

Note: Commando Boxing will receive a small commission if you buy from any of the links below.  That said, I only recommend things I actually use and that I actually have tested to work - so if you want to try them and you want to support what I do here at Commando Boxing - I appreciate it.

Second, I only recommend premium supplements - meaning they are manufactured with highly stringent regulations concerning the types of ingredients used in their formulation. They'll usually guarantee things like organic sources - no growth hormone or other hormones, etc... All listed conform to GMP requirements and you can be assured they contain what they say they contain.

Here are the four supplements I recommend

Greens Supplement (Athletic Greens)

I recommend four supplements and a daily Greens Supplement is one of them...Athletic Greens - Before discovering Athletic Greens I took a daily multivitamin as nutritional insurance. Turns out that a whole bunch of recent studies have proven that doing that is both a waste of money and potentially damaging. On the other hand, plants and other superfoods that we rarely eat enough of have so many nutritional benefits so it was a no-brainer when I looked into Athletic Greens as a replacement for the multivitamin.

This is now my daily nutritional insurance system.

Protein Supplement

The second supplement I recommend is a high quality protein supplement. Your body does not store protein. It uses it or it is excreted and/or turned to fat for storage. You have to continually take in protein through your diet to replenish what your body is using to build and repair structures in your body - and protein is the basis of pretty much everything going on. It's important.

Most people will get enough by eating right, but on occasion and depending on your physique goals there are reasons to supplement with a good quality protein powder. Notice that I said supplement....a protein powder should never be your sole source of dietary protein. Dosage varies from 0.8g - 2.0g/lb of body weight.  The more active with high intensity and strength training - the higher your potential protein requirement.

Fish Oil Supplement

The third supplement I recommend is fish oil. 

Fatty acids are the basis of fats and oils, and, despite popular belief, are necessary for overall health. These fatty acids are termed "essential" because your body cannot manufacture them by itself. EFA's must come from food or supplemental sources. They are also essential because they are a component of every living cell in the body, and are necessary for rebuilding existing cells and the production of new cells. Studies suggest fish oil supports healthy heart function and joint flexibility.


The fourth and last supplement I recommend is creatine. 

Each serving supplies a full 5 grams (5000 mg) of 99.9% pure brand Creatine Monohydrate. The patented production method used yields a tasteless, odorless powder that mixes easily into water or juice and does not readily settle to the bottom. As a result, there is no gritty taste or texture. A critical component of a short burst energy system - creatine can help you when you need a couple more seconds of high intensity energy for a more intense and productive workout.


If you have any questions about ordering these supplements, you should click any of the links above and speak directly with the manufacturer. I am not involved in the ordering, payment, or delivery process of any of these. These are simply the supplements I recommend to my clients at various stages of their body transformation.


You don't see your favorite supplement brand in my list...

Rest assured, it isn't a slight against you. Of the thousands of supplement companies out there, the ones above are the ones I use and have achieved success with. I'm not saying there are no other good supplements on the market - there certainly are others that create reputable supplements with quality ingredients and conform to accepted manufacturing processes. If your supplement has been tested independently, follows strict quality control standards, and works for you - then great - use it.

I've chosen these supplements and these companies, because I like how they do business and I'm satisfied that they produce a safe product that I feel comfortable with recommending to my clients - that is all.

These are supplements we MAY use...

Not every person in every situation has to use these supplements and even if they do, their dosages are probably different. These are all the supplements I could possibly suggest that my clients use to overcome plateaus, satisfy deficiencies in their diet, or increase their performance in certain areas. It is not a shopping list of supplements that you should necessarily add to your daily diet.

It's not an exhaustive list...

There are supplements I will recommend that aren't on the list above, but they are specific to individual cases. They are needs based and that is why I have not listed them here.

About the Author Coach Aaron

Coach Aaron founded Commando Boxing in 2003. When he's not boxing, he's running ultramarathons or using data science/blockchains to create mixed reality HoloLens applications.

  • palash says:

    Hello sir,
    1st i need to thanks you very much for sharing this valuable information. few days ago i was watching a boxing match in Olympic. frankly speaking in my country boxing is not a popular game. that’s why i don’t know about boxing very well. but after watching that match i was very curious about boxing. after that’s i am trying to know about boxing.. and your post help me out. and now i am trying to make a website to help some people who want to know about boxing.


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